Nothing like listening to LUPE's new Mixtape b4 bed.
Enemy of the State: A love Story- Emperor LU
P.S. Lupe killed the Fireman Beat. =]
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Enemy of the State: A love Story- Emperor LU
P.S. Lupe killed the Fireman Beat. =]
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PS. Gonna do a PS3 post later. [RANDOM]
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I'll take a pair. Size 13 please.... dope boots.
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This video has been circulating youtube and the blogs for a while, but I really liked the video. Just saw it a little while ago...Enjoy
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Turned 20 today. Out of the teens, going on to bigger things. P.F. Chang's for my birthday, Great food. BANG!!! All in all good day. PEACE out
Small and to the point.
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So ever since I herd Gold Watch by Lupe. I've wanted a Head Porter wallet. Not just for the reason that Lupe thinks there cool, but because I do. I'm looking for a new wallet tired of the one I have its old and all beat up. I was listening to Gold Watch and I searched Head Porter wallet because it sounded cool. I loved the stuff they had, looked real nice.
So here am I thinking, I could find a store in LA since its one of the biggest cities in the US and usually have a lot of the brands. But I search and no there isn't a Head Porter in LA, but Indianapolis and Utah have one. Not trying to bash on them but those places over LA? That was upsetting but when I go to the website and find there isn't the wallet I liked when I checked again later.
So If I want to get the wallet, I would need to get go to Japan. I don't even have a passport. I guess I need to get on that If I want that wallet but I gotta spend money to get a wallet to hold my money, and that's not even counting the price of the wallet. It bugs me that It needs to be that difficult to buy a wallet. I know the Brand is based out of Japan, but come on, expand a bit will ya. This makes me sad.
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So I guess my Facebook is a gateway to my parents. I have all these random people hitting me up asking about my parents. Your 40+ why the hell do you have a facebook? Don't you have a family? I don't even use facebook on the daily and I'm 19 but all these people find a need to hit me up. Damn this shit is annoying. If your not talking to people you went to high school with why do you think they wanna talk to you know? It's been 20 years.... I'm gonna say no I'm not related just have the same fuckin name! smh woooooo saaaa.
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Today isn't just a day off of school. Today we get to honor and say thanks to all the people in our country who fought or is fighting for our Freedom. They fight so people could bitch about the war or the president. All the Berkley kids should be thanking our service men more than anyone, =]. Just wanna say thanks for keeping us safe and the war zone away from home!! GOD BLESS!!
P.s. Play call of duty 2 came out in a perfect time.
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LUPE!!!!! when is LASERS coming out? I need to hear ARMY GIRL. It just sounds to epic.
smh...Lupe is just to great. With every Listen he's knocking off people out my fav. Rappers list.Was listening to it and was to excited for it. Just writing it so the people who aren't aware of LUPE's greatness can get aware. P.s. wth is going on with this Cali weather. It's like we didn't get the memo that its winter and suppose to be cold, not 80+.
I just realized that I write in the most un formal matter. periods were ever no structure. I'm fuckin up. off to work on the future.
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we'll done video, I think its for a game. not 100% sure, just know it looks cool.
Ninjas are one the best things in the world!! they have cool outfits and can whoop anybody. "keep a wii ninja hanging.." Emperor LU
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enough said!!! Watched Entourage this morning. The shows awesome!!
P.s. ONLINE tough guys are tools. and entertaining.
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"It just goes back, back when I was in Pittsburgh, just never really too much cared for New England, and I really still don't care for New England. And the hate's been there for a while, especially after all the cheating they did back in the day. I cannot honestly say that I agreed with it, but it happened, and it's over with now. So the hate comes from way back then.
"They can sweep it under the rug if they want to, but just like anybody else that do something (and are) caught by cheating, you put an asterisk by it."
I gotta move there no joke, don't get me wrong I LOVE LA, that's blood. But I would love to live and go to school out there. Cross them fingers and enjoy the Vid. Maestro doing it Big once again, like always. I know I'm late but this isto sick. Back on the find Grind. lol until later stay up.
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For reasons unknown There's this feeling I get when I can't fall asleep, like when I'm an owl on a tree scoping out the night in a ninja like matter(lol) that I think "why are humans on earth?" What is the purpose of our life's? Like in all seriousness that's something I've been longing to know since I was 11. Its just weird when I'm all alone in my mind I think why are we here. I'm not really thinking of it as a Religion based Question, but what is our purpose besides "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground." Is there anything else?(shrugs)I need to read to find this one out. just something I think of a lot when I'm super bored or can't sleep. I guess you just gotta keep living your life until bam it hits you, doubt it will but its all good. Off to ponder about some more random topics..Random is infectious. have a Peaceful day.
Listening to the man JOHN LEGEND!!! Give me his voice for a day.
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I Love to sleep right. It's my way of not being productive in a relaxing matter and I enjoy it, that and being a smart ass and being argumentative. I might seem like a jerk at times to the untrained eye, but its part of who I am. lol Anyways(nacho libre voice) When I'm "sleeping in" it usually doesn't last long because my inner boss kicks me in the balls and tells me to be productive. He's @ work all day, its a daily struggle to keep my drive on full throttle. My Job These days is to stay sain and find I wanna do for the rest of my life. Try keeping friends close even thought times passing like a Taxi in NY. I guess my attitude towards that is if there real friends we will stay friends if not, life goes on. Every day I'm searching my brain for the filing cabinet titled "Future". Until that time comes I'll be trying to make my own. To the people who read my cool blog that no one follows(lol) I'm back from my hiatus, I'm back on the grid. PEACE!!!
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