MY road to a GREAT holiday.
For me a Great Holiday experience I need my family, first of all. Then you need a relaxed atmosphere. No one wants to be all stuffy and uncomfortable. My family is great because we crack jokes and just have a good time. I love when my family gets together and just acts Cuban and tell stories and all talk at the same time. But in a weird strange way we know what we talking about. Yea stress comes a long with family and the holidays, but the memories make it all worthwhile. My holiday was great, and yes it was filled with stress and headaches. And that's not even talking about the great Food. Like Yucca, Lechon, Black beans and Rice, maduros, and my sisters wonderful baked goods who can make Martha Stuart look like a scrub. Pull all niter's, drink dark coffee, talk all night, and have a million side conversations. That's all my favorite parts from my families Holidays. I know it's a little late. But for me we still in Christmas mode until January 6. Reyes magos. My parents celebrated Los Reyes Magos like us americans celebrate Christmas. Til next time, peace.
P.S. Converse All-stars kick ass. and so does my boy Mendenhall. Go Steelers.
Keep your minds open...