Don't Clash your outfit son. . .
You don't need to match it gets kind of annoying.
matching that gets annoying.
waaaay too much.
it gets very annoying. no one's saying look like a clown and try to have all the color's on the rainbow in your outfit. but you can use more than two colors that are the same. Just something I see a lot and I find it funny how it's like some unwritten law to have everything to match. I think if the colors can match with each other they don't need to all be the same. Just something random I was thinking about. that's it for this post. Peace. . .
let's go Penguins. yea ima Hockey fan. because of Sid the KID. It's a hell of a sport just gets a bad wrap because the marketing staff is to busy picking there ass. because how could a sport that has there "Kobe & LeBron" in "Crosby & Ovechkin" but can't do the same thing as the NBA. I know it's not as big but do some commercials or something. lol enough with that. keep the random train rolling.. im out.
wtf? I thought I posted this b4 the Penguins game guess it didn't go threw...
Keep your minds open...
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